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 (213) 749-2889

Committed to the Advancement of Latinos in the Legal Profession and the Empowerment of the Latino Community Through Service and Advocacy

Student Outreach Program Committee

This year, MABA’s High School Visitation Committee intends to visit at least one high school per month between February and November 2021. The purpose of the High School Visitation Program is to expose high school students to law students and attorneys who can share personal stories that resonate with students from diverse backgrounds. We hope that by sharing our stories, we can inspire high school students to attend college and consider a career in law.

Committee Chair: Brenda Galvan and Michael Felix, ,

Judicial Endorsement Committee

The mission of the Judicial Endorsement Committee is to ensure that the judiciary reflects the diversity of the State of California, and that the Latino community is appropriately represented. The Committee works to accomplish this mission by: encouraging qualified Latino/as to seek appointments to the bench, evaluating the qualifications and judicial temperament of appointment candidates seeking the endorsement and support of MABA and promoting MABA's endorsees to the Governor and his representatives. The committee consists of the Co-Chairs, three additional trustees selected by the President, and the President. Those seeking endorsements should send a copy of their endorsement application and their Personal Data Questionnaire (redacted to protect SSN and other sensitive personal data) and any other letters of support or endorsement to Any questions regarding the process or the committee should be directed to the Co-Chairs.

Committee ChairBrenda Galvan and Elizabeth Bradley,

To request a Judicial Endorsement from MABA, please fill out the application in the link here.

Immigration Committee

The Immigration and Unauthorized Practice of Law Committee maintains an ongoing panel of immigration attorneys to discuss and analyze contemporary, immigration issues with the objective of providing the most competent representation and outreach to the immigrant community. The committee members maintain liaison relations with the American Immigration Lawyers Association, Executive Office for Immigration Review, and the Los Angeles County Bar Association. Annually the committee organizes an immigration seminar. The Committee also maintains an active network among private attorneys, law enforcement agencies, community-based organizations, and the media. The committee's objective is to facilitate information to the community about Immigration Fraud and assist the law enforcement against fraud. In addition, the committee will generate and maintain a system where victims of fraud can obtain legal assistance.

Committee Chair: Mayra Joachin and Lori Romero,,


Civil Rights Committee

The Mexican-American/Latino legal community in California has a proud history in the area of civil rights. MABA members are pro-active civil rights leaders. Our members have been leaders in improving immigrant rights, public school desegregation, bilingual education, affirmative action, and women's rights. The foundation members of MABA collectively advocate on behalf of the Latino community in order to give the new generations of Latino lawyers better opportunities in all segments of the legal community, including the judiciary. MABA encourages involvement of the membership in its civil rights committee. MABA must continue to advocate for the Latino community. In addition, consistent with the goals of the founding of MABA, the civil rights committee seeks to provide continuing legal education seminars that will enhance the lawyer's knowledge in this field.

Committee Chair: Christian Contreras and Magdalena Casas,,   

 Mexican American Bar Association

   1150 South Olive St, Suite 600

   Los Angeles, CA 90015

 (213) 749-2889

 Mon - Fri (9:00 a.m. - 4:30 p.m. PST)

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